In the end it's Su and Moa who will have to deal with all of this "No Yui = No BABYMETAL" bullshit the next performance...
It's already hard on them already cos their friend and fellow band member has to go thru some stuff. At the same time it's also hard on Yui too. First, something is wrong with her health and that by itself can't be easy for her. Second, she also feels the tension from all of this hate and basically can't help it. She must be worried about Su and Moa who now have to tour by themselves. It's overall a bad situation. I saw a lot of people refusing to go, selling their tickets and stuff. Like what kinda fan are you? When something goes bad you gotta be there for the band. The real fans will. In the end if you start hating on BM and not supporting/not going to the shows, you'll only end up making it worse for Yui since she might think it's her fault...
I understand that it was strange for Amuse not to say anything about the situation, but there has to be a reason for it. And if there isn't, fuck them, you can't blame the band for the company's actions. It's about the music, about the wonderful people that make it. Aren't we THE ONE? Keep together and spread support, not hate. They need it the most right now!